Saturday, March 26, 2011

Current Stats

Truth Hurts

Today is technically day 3 on my diet and I have already hit 500 calories for the day, I was only allowed to have 300 calories today and its only 5pm ANNNND I have a party to attend later on tonight. Ugh! I cant believe I cant even last 3 days. I also just got my period and I'm feeling super bloated. I have had a horrible headache since I have started the diet. It has not stopped not even for a minute. I assume I'm in need of some sort of vitamin or something. I don't know. I went to the pharmacy and picked up some migraine meds. Still havent worked.
Ok so I have no scale where I am staying and I had to go on pure missions today in order to find one. So I was finally able to weigh myself and as of now I am 138.4lbs. I have dropped 1.6 lbs. YAY!

1 comment:

  1. please, please do NOT restrict your calorie intact to something as low as 500. You'll be ruining your health and slowly killing your body. by restricting your calorie intake, you are actually losing water from muscles. You're bones can become dry and brittle, your hair starts falling out, and you always feel cold and your period may 'disappear'.if you want to lose weight, you should go the gym and exercise, and cut out bad food like sweets and junk food. Or find a personal trainer if you like? But still, you're beautiful ok? B-E-AU-T-I-F-U-L.
